
- BRIAN.MID 41 Kb. The Theme From Life of Brian
- AQUADUCT.WAV 7 Kb "The aquaduct?"
- BEWOMAN.WAV 10 Kb "I want to be a woman."
- BIGNOSE.WAV 7 Kb "Big-nose!"
- BIGUS.WAV 9 Kb "Bigus Dickus"
- BLINDSEE.WAV 28 Kb "I was blind and now I can see."
- BOX.WAV 35 Kb "Where's the fetus going to gestate? Are you going to keep it in a box?"
- BUTTOCKS.WAV 11 Kb "Incontinentia Buttocks"
- CARDIAC.WAV 27 Kb "I think I'm about to have a cardiac arrest."
- CHEESE.WAV 17 Kb "Blessed are the cheese makers."
- CRUX.WAV 74 Kb "Crucifixion lasts hours! It's a slow, horrible death!" "Well, at least it gets you out in the open air."
- DIFFRENT.WAV 46 Kb "Yes, we are all different!" "I'm not."
- DISCUSS.WAV 21 Kb "This calls for immediate discussion!"
- DOGOODER.WAV 7 Kb "Bloody do-gooder!"
- DREAMSPT.WAV 45 Kb "I sometimes hang awake at night, dreaming of being spat at in the face."
- FAVRTISM.WAV 16 Kb "Bloody favourtism!"
- FOOT.WAV 15 Kb "Oh, my foot!"
- GIGGLE.WAV 43 Kb "Anybody else feel like a little giggle?"
- GOAHEAD.WAV 44 Kb "Go ahead, be crucified, see if I care!"
- GOAWAY.WAV 10 Kb "Go away!"
- HEARTHIS.WAV 16 Kb "Wait 'til Bigus Dickus hears of this."
- HIDE.WAV 18 Kb "You haven't given us time to hide."
- HOW.WAV 20 Kb "How shall we f-ck off, o Lord?"
- INDIVID.WAV 69 Kb "You're all individuals!" "Yes, we are all individuals!"
- LINELEFT.WAV 56 Kb "Crucifixion?" "Yes." "Good. Out of the door, line on the left, one cross each."
- LUCKY.WAV 30 Kb "You lucky, lucky bastard."
- LUMPS.WAV 36 Kb "We got lumps of it 'round the back."
- MESSIAH.WAV 19 Kb "I am not the Messiah!"
- NAUGHTY.WAV 39 Kb "He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy."
- PISSOFF.WAV 8 Kb "Piss off!"
- PLEASING.WAV 35 Kb "There's no pleasing some people." "That's just what Jesus said, sir."
- SEXSEX.WAV 27 Kb "Sex, sex, sex, that's all they think about, eh?"
- SQUAD.WAV 34 Kb "Suicide squad, attack!"
- STUPID.WAV 22 Kb "You stupid bastard!"
- SUNRISE.WAV 23 Kb "If it's not done by sunrise, I'll cut your balls off."
- THWOW.WAV 21 Kb "Thwow him to the floor."
- WASTE.WAV 22 Kb "This is a complete waste of time."
- WASTLIFE.WAV 24 Kb "It's such a senseless waste of human life, isn't it?"
- WEIRDO.WAV 10 Kb "Weirdo!"
- WOGER.WAV 35 Kb "I shall welease Woger!"
- WOLFNIPL.WAV 28 Kb "Wolf nipple chips! Get them while they're hot! They're lovely!"
- WOMAN.WAV 16 Kb "Your father was a Woman?"
- WOMEN.WAV 17 Kb "Are there any women here today?"
- WUN.WAV 39 Kb "Well, Bwian, you've given us a good wun for our money." "A what?"

